Thursday, 31 December 2015

New Year, 2016 !



Masih merindui Egypt,

Dah 3 tahun,

Tapi masih terngiang-ngiang kata-kata seorang senior,

" Kalau rasa down, doalah, never underestimate the power of du'a. Doa sesuatu yang miracle. Kalau sedih, merayulah dekat Tuhan, doa macam ni " Ya Allah, kalaulah ada sedikit pun kebaikan aku pada orang lain, Kau bantulah aku hadapi cubaan ini. Jangan sesekali awak lupa nak doa especially bila tengah musafir,  naik flight, doa untuk kawan-kawan sekali, doa waktu hujan, sebab waktu ni, rahmat  Tuhan turun. Lagi satu, paling penting, restu Mak. Doa Mak tak ada hijab dengan Allah. " Tak pernah lupa. Moga Tuhan beri kebaikan buat semua senior dan sahabat yang pernah ada sama-sama dekat sana dulu.


The place where I met lots of good people.

Happy New Year, everyone !

Reminiscing the old memories to live a better life.

Thursday, 17 December 2015

Innocent Answer

A student clerked a patient.

During his case presentation, the surgeon asked the student,

" So what type of colitis does this patient have? "

Student : " Ulcerative colitis, Dr "

Dr : " Why do you say its ulcerative colitis? "

Student : " Bcoz its the only colitis that I know "

That surgeon burst out laughing.


Tak pernah tengok dia gelak.

Everytime we did our bed side teaching with him, AWKWARD. If he asked us some questions which we did know the answer, sometimes, he would say " So easy to say that you don't no?? " (Sarcastic)

But this time, its different.

At the beginning, I was afraid to laugh even its funny. But when he did not stop laughing after a minute, finally, I laughed too.

Miahahaha >_<

I grinned from ear to ear when walking out from the ward, as its the first time I saw the surgeon laughed.

Kadang, bahagia juga bila tengok orang yang tak pernah senyum pun ketawa.

Sunday, 13 December 2015


Everything must be defined clearly.

" What is hernia? "

" Protrusion of viscus through abdominal opening due to weakness of muscle Dr. ? "

" Try to protrude your tongue ? "

* Then, the student protruded her tongue *

Dr replied, " Does it mean that you have hernia? "


So your definition is wrong.


True definition :  A SAC containing part or whole of a viscus protruding through a normal or abnormal opening in the walls of the containing cavity.

Its just a word. Banyak  lagi. Sendu betul depa kata nak jadi doktor boleh gugel saja.

Definition pun selalu salah. Wakakaka.

Ada one time tu, Dr tanya : What is urine?

Gua dah, hah? DIA TANYA URINE?

Basic gila kot. Tu pun tak terjawab.

Kalau dia tanya causes of urinary retention ka, hematuria ka, boleh la sikit-sikit jawab.

Ini dia tanya, What is URINE?

Wakakakaka. Terkebil kan? Mana nak ingat benda basic. TSK.