Sunday 29 May 2016

Oh My English !

Bukak buku lama, terjumpa penanda buku buat sendiri masa form 4. HAHA 😂 Masa itu, English okay lagi, sophisticated words cikgu ajar banyak sebab nak ambil SPM kan, buat essay semangat sangat, but now, English pun macam rubbish. Wakakaka. Dekat Egypt, tak pernah speaking pun, even bahasa pengantar uni dalam omputih. Bahasa ni, bila kau tinggal dia, dia lagi tinggal kau. Nasib Muet pass band 4 T_T. Kalau tak, mampus.

Dulu zaman sekolah, memang enthusiastic betul nak achieve the greatest triumph in life, nak itu, nak ini, masuk dunia medicine, blergh.
Al fatihah untuk diri ini.

Mengimbau nostalgia. SPM candidate 2010. HAHA.

Tak sangka aku boleh jadi motivator untuk diri sendiri.

" Life hands us the golden oppurtunity of seeing uncountable 'tomorrow's. As a being in this world, the only armour we are given to survive the downfalls and conflicts is our heart. When our heart stops hoping, our mind stops believing and we stop living. Our path in life lays before us until we see the daylight of tomorrow we live in the dark. Tomorrow may bring us joy, tomorrow may hand us with grief. I have begun to understand that time is the essence of our journey through life .. "

Reminiscing the old memory. Miahaha.


  1. Such a legend ones..hehehe ;)

    1. Legend celah mana? Semua ke laut dah. Muahaha. Selamat Berpuasa Dila. Ramadan Kareem !

  2. hahaha..nostalgia tu..Selamat berpuasa jugak..Ramadhan Kareem :)
